Changing your logo

Changing your logo footprint-wide, in one hit, is very easy.

Go to settings > about > logo, colors and graphics > logo > color.

Allowed image formats for your logo are JPEG and PNG (the latter without alpha channel/transparency). High resolution logos bigger than 1000 pixels in width and height yield best results.

It is also possible to specify the URL of a qualifying graphic without having to upload.

Please note that uploading a new color logo will override your mono logo with a traced version of the color logo; you must (re)upload a mono variant of the color logo if you prefer to use a separate version for mono purposes.

You can optionally have the AI analyse your logo for a new color palette by clicking the use current logo's colors for design button. If you choose to do so, the found colors will be carried over to the footprint-wide palette under settings > about > logo, colors and graphics > colors.
