
In situations where a shopping cart is overkill, it is possible use a simple PayPal-connected button.

  1. From within your PayPal account, choose Manage buttons under Seller Tools.
  2. Under Step 1, choose "Buy Now" button type, and fill out the item name and price. Do not customise the button.
  3. Skip Step 2 and Step 3 and just hit the 'Create Button' button.
  4. Under 'Add your button to your website', switch to the 'Email' tab and copy the link.
  5. Back in the Footprint Management System, go to the enrich tab of the item you wish to show the PayPal button for.
  6. Check the 'external url, button, iframe, widget' item and wait for the window to open.
  7. Put the PayPal link under url.
  8. Create a suitable caption for your button (e.g. 'Buy now').

Your item will now have a button that will start the PayPal checkout process. A PayPal icon will have been automatically added to your button.
