Responsive website

Websites are still the first port of call for anyone wanting to find out more about you. They are arguably the most important presence in your footprint arsenal.

Your AÍFE-designed websites are fully responsive. In a nutshell, this means that they change depending on how much screen real-estate is available. Therefore, your website will look and work equally great on phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.

A constantly learning AI means that your websites are always up to date with best practices. These best practices cover diverse areas such as User eXperience (UX), lead funnelling to your call-to-action, Web Content Accessibillity Guidelines, Social Media Marketing (SMM) and a vast array of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) measures. As such, your website may subtly change from time-to-time to accommodate new trends or best practices.

Your website is divided into two distinct cross-linking areas;

  • A website with content from the content section, containing static content (e.g. content that doesn't tend to change much).
  • A website with content from the buzz section, containing shorter lived articles, special offers, testimonials, etc. (e.g. more dynamic content that supports your static content).

AÍFE will make sure to keep your static content fresh, by lacing it with appropriate references to your buzz section content.

For connecting, buying and searching for your own domain name, please refer to the domain name item in the footprint section.
