Your footprint-wide base colors define the base palette the AI can work with.
The AI creates derivative colors only from these base colors using common color theory and contrast optimization. The way final colors are derived from your base colors is governed by the color neural net in the design section.
The colors will be evaluated in order of appearance, where the first/top color defines the background color and the subsequent colors define possible(!) contrasting colors.
The AI will attempt to derive colors in the following order;
- A background color
- A primary color
- A secondary color
- A tertiary color
To change the order of possible colors in your palette, simply drag and drop.
Going through your colors from top to bottom, the AI will always ensure enough contrast according to WCAG 2.1 guidelines. If colors do not provide enough contrast with the established background color, these colors may be altered (darkened or lightened) or altogether ignored. To check if a color has enough contrast with your background color, you can use a contrast checking tool.
To add a new base color, click the add new base color button.
To change a color, click the color hexadecimal value field. You can type a new RGB color hexadecimal code, or use the color swatch to pick a new color.
To have the AI analyse your logo for usable colors, click the use current logo's colors for design button.
You may also be interested in...
- Logo, colors and graphics (under About)
The AI uses these colors and graphics to base new designs on for your entire footprint.
- Choose a design (under Quick Start Guide)
Once found, she will then use these simple "base" colors to base more elaborate color schemes on.
- Presentation (under Images)
AIFE may use the image in the background of an item or a banner image where appropriate.
- Graphic (under Background graphic)
If it is not a tiling graphic, preferably the graphic should be around 1920x1280 in size.
- Tiled (under Background graphic)