- Legal
- Privacy policy
Privacy policy
Some audiences, customers or partners may expect you to have a privacy policy in place.
You can specify the content section that contains your policy here.
Note that your privacy policy, no matter where it is located in your content, is always available as a shortcut by adding /Privacy (note the capital P) to your base domain (for example https://aife.ai/Privacy).
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- Responsive website (under Footprint)
AÍFE will make sure to keep your static content fresh, by lacing it with appropriate references to your buzz section content.
- Commodore 64 program (under Footprint)
Your program can also be emulated in a virtual Commodore 64 in your browser.
- (under Enrich)
- Starters (under Menu Example)
- Landing page (under Footprint)
In this scenario, your landing page is a mash-up of a content item and your content call-to-action.