- Presence
- Virtual receptionist
Virtual receptionist
By setting up AÍFE as your virtual receptionist, you can accept incoming phone calls and direct callers to relevant information.
Callers will be able to quickly find important information, relevant to your footprint. They can even browse your complete content through voice and phone menus.
Your virtual receptionist can further accept messages, which are relayed to you by email, or (optionally) patch the caller through to staff.
You may also be interested in...
- Sign into your Footprint Management System ("FMS") (under Quick Start Guide)
On first sign-in, you are offered a quick 60-second tour.
- eCommerce (under Settings)
Your AÍFE footprint supports eCommerce through integration with Snipcart.
- Instagram (under Social media)
Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc.
- Create a footprint (under Quick Start Guide)
What your content is about - Style and starter content are all heavily influenced by what you pick here.
- Pinterest (under Social media)
Pinterest is a visual discovery, collection, and storage tool.